Monday, 2 July 2012

Bits and bobs

Afternoon, so today is about some of my finds over the years and how I've displayed them and a little about what they are and where they are from and why I like them so much, adding personality to each room. 

Old milking stool, door lock and padlock were picked up a few years ago from a random car bootsale the day after my other-half and I did our skydive in Oxfordshire! I just fell in love with them and cost me about £5. The white ceramic key was a valentines day pressie from The butterfly print was bought back from Japan in an Ikea box frame that we had lying around the house and the dried hydrangea head was from a few years ago when I did a photo shoot for Eve magazine. All housed in an old fireplace nook.

White contemporary candelabra was a gift and from habitat, miniature old books were from a junkey antiquey place in Crystal Palace, white vase was from a very cheap homewear shop in Hull (about £3), the white ceramic bird (which my other-half hates) was from (I love this shop so much and will do a little blog about Emily's style soon). And the little metal decorative bowl is very dear to my heart,  it was a gift from my Nanna years ago-I admired it one day when I was at her house (it was cream and distressed back then) and just before she passed away she wrapped it up and gave it to me but when I opened it  found that she had repainted it in white gloss paint-bless her cotton socks she thought that it was too scruff to give it to me as it was.....little did she know that was why I like it so much! Anyway a couple of years later I decided to paint it black and it looks great and is one of the things that I would save if the flat was on fire, along with my Moooi smoke chair!

A selection of white ceramic bottles ranging from Kose to John Lewis, no. 7 wooden stamp from a brikabrack store, three black decorative wooden combs purchased for a cool little shop down Brick Lane a couple of years ago. The glass display dome was a pressie a couple of Christmases ago but the idea of displaying this cute little dog Avon bottle was inspired by a trip to Nottingham and a gorgeous shop called 

My extremely heavy but fabulous vintage industrial Remington typewriter was inherited from Great Uncle Len. I love it and it's completely indestructible!


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